Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God Speaking

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

What a great day it has been! Elizabeth's doctor, Dr. "R" came by to speak with her family earlier today.  He let them know that while her MRI scans did show some delayed bleeding, he believes these spots to be benign. Meaning, they are not of worry, they should heal completely!  Our Precious Father has again heard our prayer, and the doctor gave them this hopeful news: "Elizabeth has every hope of recovering fully from this traumatic brain injury."   He also gave them this realistic news: "...we still do not know the specifics of when she will wake up, or when she will regain certain functions. There is no guarantee that she will be the same person that she was before this wreck. There is still a very long road to recovery and the process will most likely take weeks and months.

Elizabeth was also moved to a different area of the hospital today. She is STILL in intensive care, but this is more of a "step down" area of the hospital. Here she will still be monitored at all times, but her family is able to stay with her more throughout the day. This is definitely a blessing since her family was limited to the time that they could visit her.  Elizabeth is considered stable. At this point we are no longer worried about her leaving us on this earth. (PRAISE GOD.) Her vitals have been very strong for several days and this is one reason she was able to leave the main ICU. Her bruises are healed, her scars are fading, I've been told she looks like a sleeping Elizabeth!  At this point, until she is 100% whole again- our prayer must be for God to heal her mind. We must pray that everything be restored like it was before this accident.

Many have asked about visiting Elizabeth and her family. I would encourage you to continue to do so, but please be mindful that Elizabeth is recovering from a very bad rollover car accident and a brain injury. She is very sick. She is allowed visitors, but it really needs to be mostly her family at this time. If Elizabeth becomes overstimulated, she becomes excited and her heart rate rises. If it gets too out of control, they have to sedate her- we definitely do not want that. If you visit her, you must not stimulate her. Please do not touch her, talk to her, push on her etc unless the family asks you to do so. In reality, it is probably best to wait to ask to see Elizabeth for a couple of more weeks when she is (prayerfully) more progressed in her recovery.  The family, on the other hand, definitely needs to know you are thinking of them. Feel free to visit them, write them a note (their mailing address can be found a few posts back) or write them a kind message on this blog. This situation is not even close to being over- we must continue to pray- without ceasing- for Elizabeth.

PRAISE. "Praise be to God for Dr. R. Thank you Father that Elizabeth has the best neurosurgeon around taking care of her. Thank you for the work You are doing through him. Thank you for answering our prayer for his delivery of a hopeful, but realistic message today."

PRAISE. "Thank you for healing Elizabeth! We praise you that the spots found on her brain were not serious enough to warrant surgery or a message of sorrow for this family. We thank you for saving Elizabeth's life a week and half ago and for giving us more time with her. "

PRAISE. "We thank you for comforting this family. We lift your name on high for the peace and joy that they have today! Thank you for their faith in You and may it be a testimony to others that may be desperate for hope."

PRAY. "We pray without ceasing that you would heal Elizabeth's mind. We pray that you would make all of the right parts and processes connect so that she would regain function."

PRAY. "We pray that Elizabeth's condition would remain stabilized. We pray that the body processes and function she has would not digress and only progress.  We pray that she would be able to rest and recover peacefully in her new location at the hospital and that the constant surrounding of her family would be healthy and healing."

PRAY. "Father pour out your blessings on Elizabeth and her family. May your love surround them and your grace cover them."

PRAY."Give us patience, Father. Give us, Elizabeth, and her family patience for the long road that lies ahead. May we never forget that you have heard the cries of your children and answered our prayers! May we have stronger faith than we did a week and a half ago and may our faith be even stronger a year from now."

A sweet friend sent me this video today.... I pray it will bless your heart and remind you how God is speaking to us through this tragedy.


  1. Continually praying for Elizabeth and all the Parsley family. So thankful for this good report!!! God is so good and faithful!

  2. So happy that there has been good news today. Have had all of you in my prayers and will continue to do so. May God's precious healing touch, quiet peace and comfort be with each of you!
    Vicki Sutton

  3. Thank you for the update. This is wonderful news. I am praying so fervently for Elizabeth and all her family.

  4. Sending positive thoughts your way! Glad to see some good news! Robin Morrissey Stauffer

  5. Continuing to pray for all of you~ so pleased to read the update for the news today from the doctor.
    please know that we are praying each day be a new blessing!
    The Armistead family

  6. Dear Michelle and Bill:
    We have been praying for Elizabeth (and all of you) since her accident. May God continue to watch over you, bringing healing and peace.
    With love.
    Karen and Tom Oxner

  7. Dear Bill and Michelle,
    Great news.. Everyday seems to be a better day. More reason to know God has Elizabeth in his hands.
    You are a true testament with your faith and belief to God's power of the continued healing of Elizabeth.
    Praying for continued healing day to day for your sweet girl.

    Rick and Linda
